Sunday, November 1, 2009


My name is Jacqueline Tszlok Lip and I am a student at the University of South Carolina . I am a sophomore this year, majoring in public relations . My minor is still undecided but I am leaning towards marketing.
I live with three of the best girls imaginable . My roommates are so much fun. I honestly do not know what I'm going to do next year when we're all living in different places. I know that two of them are living at Copper Beech next year while m
y living arrangements are still up in the air.
In my spare time, which basically includes all time not devoted to anything school-related, I work out at the Strom Thurman Fitness Center, catch up on shows online , and frequently shop both online and in retail stores. My favorite places to shop are
  • Forever21
  • Charlotte Russe
  • Express
  • and the retail giant everyone loves to hate, Wal-Mart.

  • My favorite movie as of right now is The Hangover . It was a great summer comedy flick with impossible situations. There are many random aspects such as a tiger, Mike Tyson, cop car, run-in with the mafia, a baby, and dentistry. The best quote is probably

    Doug: Either way, you gotta be super smart to count cards buddy, okay?

    Alan: Oh really?

    Doug: It's not easy

    Alan: Okay well maybe we should tell that to Rainman because he basically bankrupted a casino and he was a ruh-tard.

    Stu: A what?

    Alan: A ruh-tard

    Doug: (pauses for a second) A *RE*tard

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