Sunday, November 8, 2009


A 6-year-old child was bitten around the ear and neck because Gordy Jamison is a negligent dog owner who rightfully deserved the ticket issued to him by the police. This was the second time the mixed Chow acted out. Only after the citation did Jamison have the common sense to obtain tags and give his dog shots.
For more information, go here


The Ticoderoga Country school system has decided to close down The Eatery, a restaurant that was used to teach special-education students about the restaurant industry. Closing the restaurant will save the school system up to $50,000 a year, plus the school has other facilities to accommodate special-education students, which makes the decision a win=win situation. The school essentially loses nothing from closing down The Eatery and gains up to $50,000.
For more information, go here


Annie Coulter, 82, drove her car into the front window of Subway Central restaurant. The accident caused 59-year-old John Parker to have a heart attack. Parker passed away at Memorial Hospital.
For more information, go here

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ticonderoga County High School has won 177 games while Rickey Rust has been head coach, which makes forcing him to resign the worst decision the high school has made. Rust has given them many winning seasons over the past 12 years. But Rickey Rust will be heading to better places with better offers.

For further information, click here


Midville attorney John O’Kelly did Ticondergoa County a favor by suing over the public display of the Ten Commandments in the county courthouse. The Ten Commandments have absolutely no place in a court of law for obvious reasons. However, county representatives claim that O’Kelly does not frequent the court enough to sue. Really? That’s all they could come up with?

For further information, click here


A referendum for a new hotel and convention center using public funds will be on the June 5 ballot, as per the state Department of Elections recommended. There was no specific request for such a project, especially at the expense of public funds. Use of public funding for a hotel is already prohibited, which makes placing the referendum odd.

For more information, click here


Tinconderoga County family farms have been dwindling steadily for more than 40 years. According to agricultural officials, farms are highly unlikely to make a comeback. A farm is defined as land on which $1,000 of farms produce can be made a year.

For more information go here

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ford Motor Company

Informational Ford Motor Company reported a $997 million dollar profit for the third quarter on Monday. It is the only US automaker that did not file for bankruptcy this year. Ford believes that by 2011, the company will be "solidly profitable".
Analytical Ford Motor Company reported a surprising profit of nearly a $1 billion for the third quarter on Monday. The profit was unexpected and is the result from its Cash for Clunkers sales. This is the brightest outlook Ford has had since the company started losing money in 2005.
Provocative Ford Motor Company finally got out of its slump in sales when they reported nearly $1 billion in profits on Monday. People always claim that American cars don't last and you should always buy foreign, which is probably still accurate, considering the reason for Ford's recent success is its Cash for Clunkers sales rather than relying on their new automobiles. We'll have to see how "solidly profitable" Ford will be in 2011.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


My name is Jacqueline Tszlok Lip and I am a student at the University of South Carolina . I am a sophomore this year, majoring in public relations . My minor is still undecided but I am leaning towards marketing.
I live with three of the best girls imaginable . My roommates are so much fun. I honestly do not know what I'm going to do next year when we're all living in different places. I know that two of them are living at Copper Beech next year while m
y living arrangements are still up in the air.
In my spare time, which basically includes all time not devoted to anything school-related, I work out at the Strom Thurman Fitness Center, catch up on shows online , and frequently shop both online and in retail stores. My favorite places to shop are
  • Forever21
  • Charlotte Russe
  • Express
  • and the retail giant everyone loves to hate, Wal-Mart.

  • My favorite movie as of right now is The Hangover . It was a great summer comedy flick with impossible situations. There are many random aspects such as a tiger, Mike Tyson, cop car, run-in with the mafia, a baby, and dentistry. The best quote is probably

    Doug: Either way, you gotta be super smart to count cards buddy, okay?

    Alan: Oh really?

    Doug: It's not easy

    Alan: Okay well maybe we should tell that to Rainman because he basically bankrupted a casino and he was a ruh-tard.

    Stu: A what?

    Alan: A ruh-tard

    Doug: (pauses for a second) A *RE*tard